lauantai 26. lokakuuta 2013

Lisäyksiä anarkismi hyllyyn 26.10.

Taormino, Tristan: Opening up - A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships 15€

Black, Bob: Defacing the Curreny - Selected Writings 1992-2012 14€
CrimethInc.: Contradictionary 7€

CrimethInc.: Rolling Thunder numerot #9 & #8 6€/kpl

Anarchy & Alcohol -pamfletti 1€

Open relationships -pamfletti 1€

Attentat -journal 6€

Baroquer, Fray & Eanelli, Tegan (ed.): Queer Ultraviolence - Bash Back! Anthology 16€

John & Jana: A Rule is to Break - A Child’s Guide to Anarchy 10€

Armand, Emilé: Individualist Anarchism / Revolutionary Sexualism - Writings by Emilé Armand 6€