lauantai 29. tammikuuta 2011

Uusimpia infoshop-kirjoja ja zinejä 29.1.2011

Resist, Matte: How & Why: A Do-it-yourself Guide. Microcosm Publishing 2010. nid.14€

Gelderloos, Peter: Consensus: A New Handbook. See Sharp Press 2006. nid. 11€

Reinsborough, Patrick & Canning, Doyle: Re:Imagining Change - How to use Story-based Strategy to Win Campaigns, Build Movements, and Change the World. PM Press 2010. nid. 17€

Shiva, Vandana (toim.): Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed. South End Press 2007. nid. 12€


Counterbalance: Thoughts on Activism and Mental Health. 4€

Earth First Means Social War: Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force. 1,50€

Soyamilk zine #1, toukokuu 2010. 3€

Rocket Queen #1. 2€

Rocket Queen #2. 2€

Doris #15: The Anti-Depression Guide. 2€

#2. 2€